Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Passage to India Analysis Free Essays

The reflection of fear and hope problem in is a book published in 1924 by E. M Forster which portrays the colonized India under the rule of Britain and further explores the problem whether it’s possible that friendship can be established regardless of the separation of religions and social status. The question deals with the emotion of fear and hope and also the roles they play in the novel. We will write a custom essay sample on A Passage to India Analysis or any similar topic only for you Order Now Both of the two emotions here not merely refer to the feelings but also, they reflect the different personal characters and the problems concerned with the social status and cultural background. In this book, fear and hope are conveyed in ways of the expression of the setting and opening passage, detailed description and symbolism. This essay is going to talk about the application and representation of fear and hope, also their roles of deepening the theme of the book.. In , the opening passage of each chapter lays the foundation for the emotion. Fear and hope are played up via the description of colors and outer environment. Chapter one is very beginning and in consideration of the fact that the readers have no knowledge about text itself, the narrator applies the methods of setting off to let the basic emotion stand out. In the sentences: â€Å"There are no bathing steps on the river front, as the Ganges happens not to be holy here†, â€Å"In the bazaars there is no painting and scarcely any carving. †, the narrator depicted a whole image and background which is dull, hopeless and without much indication of living. At the very beginning the narrator mentions about â€Å"the Marabar Caves† about which â€Å"nothing† can be said exactly doesn’t exist. This kind of ironic way opens up the discussion and to some extent indicates the hopelessness. The very first setting of the whole background brings reader to fearful situation but raises the reader the expectancy for the plots to go on and find â€Å"hope†. The following paragraphs connect the feelings with specific parts of the components of settings. The setting of the city seems to be exposed fully and â€Å"nothing hideous†. And the expression of natural views seems to give people a gleam of hope but in another way, it foreshadows that there’s going to be storm on the peaceful and calm land. Going with the plots of the book, the opening passage of part two has the strongest emotionality and seems to be the climax in the setting. At first, the scene is switched to the past. And then a group of words to describe the environment are applied to stress the darkness. â€Å"abruptly, insanely, wildest† . The cave part of the paragraph creates the extreme and jumpy joy in nature which forms the contrast with the depression and hopeless deep down at the bottom of human beings. Darkness is often together with fear and scary. The description of cave which goes that â€Å"Even when they open towards the sun, very little light penetrates down the entrance tunnel into the circular chamber. † This is an innuendo of the mental situation of people that time, no matter Indian or British. Their hearts are like the chamber and their emotions are confined there. Little fresh air can come inside and this leads to the consequence of distorted human integrity which contains the deepest fear about the truth, the good and the beautiful. Obviously, the purest part of human nature faded and this is final situation of hopelessness. The narrator delineates the original image of the cave and its impression which correlates the later part of creating the intensive atmosphere when the narrative centre comes onto the stage. Part 3 is the denouement of the book.. It shows us the picture after howling wind and torrential rain. The song and the chord from Hinduism explain the peace created and the new hope brought out. In spite of the indirect indication, the detailed description is also exemplified on the main characters: Dr. Aziz, Mrs Moore, Miss Adela and a group of British Villains. Some typical examples are : the dialogue between Dr Aziz and Mr Callendar and Mrs Lesley about the tonga, Mrs Moore and Dr. aziz first dialogue, Ronny and his mother talk about Indians, the collector and Fielding’s argument and people’s comments after Miss Adela announces that all is her delusion. Throughout all these details, the narrator tries to use the external factor to express the characters of fear and hope. For example, Dr. Aziz’s talk is elusive and emotional, even though, he is really a straightforward person, these show the dodgery of him. Compared to the status of Mr Fielding and all those British ladies, Dr Aziz’s behavior and talk often run out of order and from the details given when he was about to leave for Marabar Cave, we can find clearly the silly and embarrassing comic effect deliberately created by him. He has shown a natural inferior status in front the British. Sometimes the stronger the evidence is given, thee more the fear is in the text. From the talk between Dr. Aziz and Mrs Callendar, Dr. Aziz’s tone is very assertive. Yet , we can easily find the leak in the later part of his talk that he is exactly very unsatisfied. Also, at the later part, there is a conversation between Mr fielding and the collector. The collecter in the real life is the person who can get hold of power. He uses a lot of words to emphasize his points, for instance: â€Å"excessively, the repetition of no and also the pause during his sentences. † The narrator doesn’t show all the fear and hope directly throughout the text, but he depicted thee details which are able to deflect the mentality of fear and hope. Even though, the characters are sometimes very mighty but we can feel the impotence and fear from the hypocritical exterior. From the situation at the court when everyone knows that Dr Aziz is not guilty, what we see is that everyone holds their words and goes with what the stupid collector says as if they are representing justice, regardless of what Mr fielding also says as a British. It seems to be in a very clear and obvious situation that The British they are stubborn and they hold stigma towards the India, but at the same time this shows a fear towards a totally unfamiliar nation, an unknown religion and a group of unknown people. At the very beginning of the story, there are dialogues between Ronny and his mother, Miss Quested and Mrs Moore. , the misgivings of Dr Aziz by Ronny that Dr Aziz is like the rest of the Indian men are expressed vividly by Ronny’s steadfast and impatient tone by which we can discover the fear of British. They try to convince themselves even when it comes to a ridiculous and unknown situation. The fear of Indian is so obvious by the description of funny and intemperate words and actions. In addition to these two ways, the narrator also uses the symbolism. The three chapters are arranged in the order of weather: â€Å"cool, cold and warm† This develops in the same way as the emotion goes in the text. In Chapter 2, symbolism is used in a implicit way. The echoes in Part 2 represent the feeling of fear. The sound which is described as â€Å"Boum† combined with darkness shows the fear and perplexity of both the British and the Indian. There are different types of fear and hope existing in the text. In the first two chapters, the fear about discrimination and culture difference is mentioned. For example, during the talk about polygamist, we can clearly find the fear inside Dr Aziz about discrimination and the fear about marriage from Adela. Also, the hope of starting a new relationship with Indians is shown from the images of Mrs Moore and Adela. In the last chapter, there shows the hope about the understanding of religion. And the song from Godbole reminds us of peace about religious belief, but by contrast, there is always a gap between Hinduism and Islam. The description of Dr Aziz and other characters become smooth and calm. In front the virtue, Dr Aziz is no longer the clown and in Part three, we can see clearly that Dr Aziz’s talk becomes unoppressively compared to the beginning and climax. The feeling of hope and fear is not expressed directly in the text but it’s still a very important clue throughout the whole book. The narrator firstly brings up the hope and then describes the fear which emphasizes the factor that it’s impossible that the relationship can be established beyond the gap. At the end of the book, it seems to give us a wonderful end but we can still find that there’s a gap between the two people: Dr. Aziz and Fielding who also represent two different cultures. The fuzzier the readers feel about the two feelings, the stronger the effects that are created. This convinces the readers and deepens the theme of the relationship. The narrator uses a very skillful method to express the fear and hope in the text and every character’s personality is depicted fully by the flow of emotion in the book. Also, the emotion exposed helps to develop the story and make the theme clear. The development of the emotion of main character organizes the causal chain of the whole story. Nonetheless, the ways to express and stress the fear and hope don’t change that much which somehow give readers a feeling of getting bored. Even though all the parts are closely related to the plots and theme and sometimes it can be seen that they help the narrator to attract readers attention, we can still find that the methods are not fresh and it becomes very hard to attract or to say continue the readers’ curiosity about the story. The narrator didn’t switch at the right time which causes the readers misunderstanding. By Yuefan A1 SL How to cite A Passage to India Analysis, Papers

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