Monday, May 4, 2020

French and Indian War Effects free essay sample

his war completely varied their knowledge of their land and its value. We know our lands have now become more valuable, (Document B). No more would they be fooled by the trickery that cheated them of Manhattan Island; no longer were they ignorant to real estate. They opposed the immigrants who settled in their lands, pleading with the colonists to control these squatters lest violence should ensue. Your people daily settle on these lands We must insist on your removing them, as you know they have no right to settle, (Document B).Consequently, this attitude that the Native Americans portrayed may have affected the way Great Britain regarded its newly acquired French land. Great Britain did not want the colonists to settle In the western lands past the Mississippi (Document A). The colonists, however, felt that it was their right to settle these lands. But, whilst the Native Americans were protesting, the British feared more violence from them. We will write a custom essay sample on French and Indian War Effects or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They did not willingly allow the colonists to settle the west for this reason and that it would take an enormous effort to organize the land politically.For the most part, soldiers were treated very differently after the war. Britain came out of 1763 with low opinions and expectations of the Colonial military. This resulted in soldiers being [denied] Englishmen liberty, (Document D). By this, it can be deduced that the British officers had no respect for the Colonials, denying them items such as clothes and liquors. Even after their term was ended, they were not yet allowed to go home, eventually causing them to [swear] that we would do no more duty here, (Document D).This could possibly explain why the British were ere they would succeed In the Revolutionary War, as they clearly did not think much of the American military, or lack thereof. In contrast, some divisions of the colonial population supported Britain whole- heartedly with their lives. They delighted in the short-lived emboldened ties. A New England minister proclaimed . The Children of New England may be glad and triumph, in Reflection on Events past, and Prospects for the future. .. (Document E). Comprehensibly, he felt that Britain gave them a future, that they owed their lives to their mother country. .. Mother, who has most generously rescued and protected us, [must] be served and honored. .. (Document E). This is a deep contrast to the ways of thinking possessed by the soldiers and Native Americans, and it would not last long. From a British economic standpoint, the French and Indian War, in addition to the Seven Years War, plunged them further and further Into a seemingly endless mountain of debt. Profits and taxes were Insufficient to keep the country afloat: [the] revenue.. . Is small and inconsiderable (Document F).This caused Britain to heavily he fact that their tax money was paying for American wars and military. The military required a huge amount of revenue to support it (Document F). The British decided that taxing the colonies would be mandatory, unknowingly opening the floodgates of the Revolutionary War. Consequently, Britains debt did indeed lead to American taxation. At first, the taxes were minimal and did not really attract much attention. They were not liked, but they were abided by. As taxes mounted from various Prime Ministers such as Greenville, who attempted to boost his popularity by lowering British taxes and raisingAmerican ones, and Champagne Charlie, who attempted to tax Americans without much squawking. Men like Benjamin Franklin opposed the Stamp Act in particular. It raised the most rage out of all the taxes imposed. They demanded for it to be repealed (Document G). Continued taxation led to the cries of No taxation without representation! Though Americans strictly opposed these taxes, the did not wish to break from England. A firm loyalty to the Crown and faithful Adherence to the Government.. . Will always be the wisest course for you and I to take, stated BenjaminStamp. Clearly, they fought taxes with fire. In any event, the colonists anger was Justified in the Revolutionary War. The French and Indian War was simply a prelude to the events that followed it. These events resulted in the formation of the Continental Congress, the battles of Lexington and Concord, the Journey of Paul Revere, and the appointment of George Washington, along with countless other historical turn points. For example, if not for the appointment of George Washington as a military leader, would he have become our first president? How would history be altered?In essence, the French and Indian War altered the relationships between Britain and the American colonies. It educated the Native Americans, preventing colonists from settling the West. Colonial soldiers were looked down upon, resulting in an underestimation by the British of the American military. It renewed some with the toughened ties with Britain (no matter how brief), while it also tore apart those ties due to taxation. These events introduced the Revolutionary War. All of history is tied together by a sequence of connected events, for the French and Indian War facilitated the making of the great United States of America.

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